My New Year's Resolutions

  So 2016 has dawned upon us, and I presume your 2015 was a one tough roller coaster. Well that doesn’t matter anymore because we are off to a fresh start now! It is time to let go of the mistakes and appreciate any accomplishments present throughout the past 12 months. Personally this year, I want to try my best to achieve each of my resolutions that I so dreadfully ignore in the past years. Who knows, we might even share the same resolutions!

1. Keeping Fit

    I know this is one of my resolutions every year, but this year, I am planning to actually stick to it. I have to admit that my fitness level isn’t a trait I am proud of, but thats the first step: knowing that you have to improve. In school, I’m already involved in quite a few sports, but I want to make a consistent effort of keeping fit. Has anyone heard of Blogilates? Blogilates is a YouTube channel created by Cassey Ho, who makes motivating work out videos. She recently released a calendar in which there are few workout videos that you can complete everyday. This way, you will keep track of fitness progress. She also uploads amazing healthy recipes to fulfil every one of your cravings.

2. Studying Hard

    Admittedly, I only study hard when it is close to exams. But in 2016, that all will change and I want to start preparing way ahead. After every chapter covered in class, I am going to make flash cards and mind maps for revision. One primary tip that I got from one of my teachers is, when studying subjects like Economics where you have to memorise multiple facts, you can try and summarise each chapter in 1 to 2 pages, fold them up in really small pieces, put them in an empty tissue box, and memorise what you need to chapter by chapter. This way of studying could be really fun because you never know which chapter you will get. It is also important to treat yourself after a long day of hard work. Whether it is a scoop of ice cream or a good laughter with your friends, you should relieve yourself from your work at the end of a day.

3. Reading More

    I do read regularly, but this year, I want to read a lot more. Reading is a hobby I genuinely enjoy as it transitorily disconnects me from the real world. Although nowadays we give rise to technology with iBooks or kindles, I find that reading actual books is more therapeutic. I am setting a goal for myself, to read at least one book every month — 2 if it is a holiday month. Aside from the fact that it is relaxing, reading also helps expanding my vocabulary. 

4. Do More Of The Things That I Enjoy

    Sometimes, you need to give yourself a break and let yourself do things you enjoy. There are 2 main things that I enjoy, that are penny boarding and watching YouTubers. I do not penny board competitively, rather just for the pleasure of it. There is just something different about watching YouTubers than watching movies, mainly because on YouTube, you get to see how genuine people are. They spread positivity and happiness through their videos and I find YouTube an effective platform to just love. We should all make an effort to unwind and do the things we love to prevent from getting to caught up and overwhelmed with life.

5. Give Back

    At the end of the day, you have food, you sleep on a bed, under a roof and you have friends and family. That is one thing that we should all appreciate about our lives and never take for granted. With that said, there are some people out there who may nor be as fortunate as us, which is why we should help them. We don't necessarily have to give more than we can afford. As the saying goes, a little goes a long way.

    I hope that my resolutions have inspired you to make some yourself. 2016 is a new year, and we can either choose to waste it or make the best of it. Have a great 2016!

- Written by Namrata Gopwani.


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